Letter: SBC leader's comments are fatuous

Futurist TheatreFuturist Theatre
Futurist Theatre
The public has not been consulted on the planned Flamingo Land monstrosity for South Bay.

Does this really demonstrate Cllr Bastiman’s fatuous claim “that our planning process is transparent, robust and comprehensive”?

Even during the demolition “public consultation”, where 100 objections were ignored by planning, we were told there were no plans for the site.

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I am thoroughly disgusted with Cllr Bastiman, the Cabinet and the colluding officers for fighting the will of the electorate. The losers? - The electorate, for whom this council (and I exclude the many opposition councillors who do represent their wards) has nothing but contempt, even to the extent of obtaining special dispensation to vote for themselves when the public called for a vote of no confidence.

Cllrs Fox and Bastiman’s names will forever be associated with the tearing out of the heart of Scarborough.

As Cllr Bastiman took over as leader of the Cabinet I wrote to him that I expected him to pursue his goals “ruthlessly”. Demolition of the Futurist was one of them.

Daphne Barr

Prince of Wales Terrace


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