Changes to trains between Scarborough and Bridlington on weekends in March

Rail services between Bridlington and ScarboroughRail services between Bridlington and Scarborough
Rail services between Bridlington and Scarborough
The rail strikes have finished - but that is not the end of the disruption for passengers.

Planned engineering works are taking place on the Yorkshire coast line on three weekends in March.

Train services will be replaced by buses between Bridlington and Scarborough on Sunday, March 3 - with the first bus leaving Scarborough at 9.22am and the first bus departing Bridlington at 9.35am.

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The same arrangement is in place for Saturday, March 9 and Sunday, March 10. On the Saturday, 10 buses will run throughout the day from Scarborough to Bridlington and nine in the opposite direction. Six return services are scheduled for the Sunday.

The following weekend, the Scarborough-to-Bridlington section of the line will be open, but buses will run between Bridlington and Hull.