eBooks and eAudiobooks soaring in popularity at East Riding libraries - more titles added to collection

East Riding libraries add more titlesEast Riding libraries add more titles
East Riding libraries add more titles
East Riding libraries are seeing a huge increase in the popularity of their eBooks and eAudiobooks during this period when libraries are closed – and have greatly boosted their collections of both.

Over the last month, issues of eBooks have increased by 68 per cent, and more than 700 titles have been added, making a total of around 4500. For eAudiobooks, issues have increased by over 30 per cent, with more than 450 titles added, making a new total of over 4000 titles.

All this translates to over 800 new customers for eBooks, and more than 1000 new customers for eAudiobooks.

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EBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines are all available to download free for East Riding Library members.

Councillor Shaun Horton, portfolio holder for tourism, culture and leisure, said: “I am absolutely delighted to see so many people taking advantage of this wonderful service during these unusual and difficult times, and I am equally pleased that the council has been able to invest to increase the range of titles available.

“This virtual library is accessible at any time and means customers can download eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines from anywhere with an internet connection, straight to their device, meaning it’s more versatile than ever before, without having to visit the library.

“Another great benefit is that the eBooks and eAudiobooks automatically return to the library, so there are no possible fines, and can be easily renewed if unfinished.”

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East Riding Libraries have also launched a virtual book group, Face in a Book Club, where customers can enjoy reading or listening to a selected Book, eBook or eAudiobook and share their views in a Facebook group – and have now launched a Children’s Book Club as well, initially featuring five children’s titles.

The selected book or books can be downloaded up to 500 times simultaneously through the free Borrowbox app, using East Riding Libraries membership, meaning hundreds of people can read the same book at the same time.

For those wishing to join the Facebook groups and the discussion, visit the @ERidingLMA facebook page, click on groups, and join the ‘Face in a Book Group’

To join the library, or find out more about downloading eBooks or eAudio books, visit https://www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk/libraries-online/online-book-club/During the closure period, East Riding Libraries are reminding customers that fines for books borrowed will not be charged.